Sunday, September 5, 2010

Liver Transplant In India by Liver Transplant Consultant

Liver Transplant in India - A Liver Transplant Coordinator's Perspective

Liver Transplant when done for the right reasons at the right time and by the right people can be a BOON of life however most of the patients are unprepared for this major undertaking and tend to get carried away by inadequate, unsubstantiated and sometimes misleading information available through the internet and propaganda done on behalf of transplant centres.

Therefore to get the best result out of this life-saving procedure it is advisable to LOOK before you LEAP

.... Jyotsna Verma

What is organ transplant ?

Organ transplant means removing a part or whole of the organ from one deceased or live person and replacing damaged organ in other person.

Which organs can be transplanted?

Kidneys and corneas (eye) are transplanted regularly at many places in India. Similarly liver, heart, lung, pancreas, intestines are being transplanted worldwide and even in India though infrequently. Recently even face transplantation has been attempted.

What is liver transplant?

Liver transplant means removing a whole or part of liver from a deceased or living person, placing and attaching in a patient of end stage liver disease, after removing whole liver.

What are types of liver transplant?

Liver Transplantation is of two types –

Living Donor Liver Transplantation (LDLT) – where a part of liver is removed from a live person and transplanted to a patient.

Deceased Donor Liver Transplant/ Cadaveric Donor Liver Transplant DDLT / CDLT

Whole or part of liver is removed immediately from the patients who are brain dead but have functioning organs and transplanted to a patient of chronic liver disease.

History of liver transplantation

Initial attempt to transplant liver were carried out in animals like dogs and cats. First human liver transplant was carried out in 1963; patient lived for few days and succumbed to death. Discovery of better immunosuppressant drugs and understanding of pathophysiology lead to improved survival gradually. Dr. Thomas Starzl performed the first successful liver transplant in 1967 in America. There have been many advances since then and by the early 1980’s liver transplantation was widely accepted as a treatment of choice for many patients with advanced liver disease or unbearable symptoms of their liver disease. Techniques and technology have been advancing and a lot of research is going on in basic sciences like immunology and cell biology for further improvement. Transplantation of organ spells out the success story of medical science of twentieth century.

Consult regarding Liver, Liver Disease, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care or any queries related to this field.


Jyotsna Verma

15/69, Old Rajinder Nagar, Near Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

New Delhi - 110060, India

Mobile: 0091 9868048711, 0091 9810269584


Website :

I am available on Facebook, Skype, Orkut, Google-Talk 24 hrs. Video conference and meeting by prior appointment.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Liver Transplant India Info by Liver Transplant Consultant

Liver Transplant India Info. – Liver Transplant Coordinator’s Perspective

This website is launched by Jyotsna Verma, most experience Liver Transplant Coordinator in India, to provide following information to patients suffering from liver disease and in need of transplant --

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When a person develops serious liver disease he/she can experience the following symptoms and one should consult liver specialist immediately.

 Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin)

 Ascites (an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen)

 Haematemesis (vomiting of blood)

 Edema (swelling of legs or general body)

 Encephalopathy (forgetfulness, mental confusion or coma)

 Itching (sensation of immense scatching)

 Dark yellow colored urine

 Grey or clay – colored stools

 Fatigue (weakness and loss of vigour)

 Insomnia (inability to sleep)

 Tendency to bleed and bruise easily

 Red spots over body

 Redness of hands

 Smaller testes

 Gynaecomastia (Larger breasts in males)

Which disease need liver transplant?

There are numerous diseases of liver which may need transplant. By and large progressive and irreversible disease process leading to end stage liver disease need transplant. All the diseases are treated with drugs first and transplant is the last option. Transplant is needed when drugs fail to act; and expectancy and quality of life is predicted to be short.

Following are the diseases which may require transplant.

1) Viral Hepatitis induced cirrhosis –

a. Hepatitis B

b. Hepatitis C

2) Alcohol induced cirrhosis

3) Inborn errors of metabolism

a. Hemochromatosis (increased producing and deposition of iron in body mainly liver)

b. α1 – Antitrypsin deficiency (absence of chemical, important for maintaining function of lungs and liver)

c. Wilson’s disease (increased production and deposition of copper in the body mainly liver)

d. Glycogen storage disease type I/ III

4) Cholestatic disease

a. Biliary atresia (birth defect leading to failure of development of bile draining tubes)

b. Primary biliary cirrhosis (obstruction to flow of bile primarily in the liver)

c. Familial cholestasis Byler’s syndrome, anteriohepatic dysplasia (congenital stasis of bile inside liver)

d. Cystic fibrosis, Insipissated bile syndrome leading to cirrhosis.

e. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (scarring, narrowing and inflammation of biliary tree)

f. Secondary biliary cirrhosis (irreversible liver damage due to obstruction to bile tubes from outside the liver)

5) Acute fulminant hepatic failure

a. Drug induced –paracetamol poisoning

b. Fulminant Hepatitis A or E (severe form of liver injury which results in failure of liver)

6) Vascular

a. Budd Chiari Syndrome (blocked of hepatic veins)

7) Congenital abnormalities

a. Urea cycle enzyme deficiency

b. Homozygous hypercholesterolemia

c. Primary hyperoxaluria type

d. Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy

8) Developmental abnormalities

a. Polycystic liver disease (formations of multiple fluid filled cavities inside liver)

b. Caroli’s disease (birth defect of biliary radicles, dilatations inside liver leading to failure to drain bile)

9) Tumors

a. Hepatocellular carcinoma (cancer of liver)

b. Metastasis to liver (cancer spread from other organs)

Consult regarding Liver, Liver Disease, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care or any queries related to this field.


Jyotsna Verma

15/69, Old Rajinder Nagar, Near Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

New Delhi - 110060, India

Mobile: 0091 9868048711, 0091 9810269584


I am available on Facebook, Skype, Orkut, Google-Talk 24 hrs. Video conference and meeting by prior appointment.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Liver Transplant Consultant

Liver Transplant in India - A Liver Transplant Coordinator's Perspective.

Liver is the largest abdominal organ. Liver is situated on the right side of upper abdomen behind the ribs and is triangular in shape. Liver weighs about 1200 – 1500 grams in an average individual of 60-70 Kilograms, roughly 2% of body weight.

Liver though a single organ, broadly it can be divided into two parts – right and left hemi liver and 8 independent segments (each having its own blood supply and biliary drainage) functioning as a single organ. Unlike kidneys which are two different organs and situated separately on either side in the body; liver is a single organ. However it too can be divided anatomically in two or more parts.

Liver as a whole has one hepatic artery supplying oxygenated blood, a portal vein carrying blood from intestines to liver and a bile duct draining bile formed in the liver to intestines. All these three structures divide into two branches to supply and drain from two lobes of the liver. Blood from liver is delivered to heart via three hepatic veins for purification.

Liver is supported by ligaments; triangular and coronary ligament on either side and falciform ligament in the centre. Liver produces bile which is drained by biliary tree. Gall bladder is a reservoir for the bile lies on the liver bed, and is attached to bile duct. It regulates delivery of bile into intestines.

Liver is endowed with remarkable capacity to regenerate after division into parts. This is the basis of Live Related Liver Transplants, and the reason why live related liver transplant is possible.

Position of liver Liver anatomy

Liver lobe Division of liver parts


Liver is a powerhouse of body. It is the main organ of metabolism i.e. it involves, series of breaking down and making up of chemical reactive and generation of energy. If one were to compare our body to a train, then liver would be its engine.

Liver performs many important functions that are essential for a healthy body as follows –

Covert food into chemicals necessary for life and growth.

Process and remove drugs, alcohol and other substances generated in body that may be harmful.

Produce bile, a yellowish-greenish fluid that is stored in the gall bladder and secreted into the bowel. Bile is necessary for the absorption of fats and vitamins

Manufacture important proteins that are necessary for normal blood clotting and building muscle.

Maintain hormonal balances

Store important vitamins.

This WebSite, Provides Information on Liver Transplant, Liver Transplant in India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Cost of Liver Transplant, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care of Liver Recipient and Liver Donor, Liver Transplant Specialists, Liver Transplant Surgeons, Liver Donation, Cadaver Organ Donation, Liver Diseases like Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer, Liver Failure, Hepatitis, Jaundice, etc. by the most experienced Liver Transplant Coordinator in India.

Consult regarding Liver, Liver Disease, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care or any queries related to this field.

Liver Transplant in India - A Liver Transplant Coordinator's Perspective.

Liver is the largest abdominal organ. Liver is situated on the right side of upper abdomen behind the ribs and is triangular in shape. Liver weighs about 1200 – 1500 grams in an average individual of 60-70 Kilograms, roughly 2% of body weight.

Liver though a single organ, broadly it can be divided into two parts – right and left hemi liver and 8 independent segments (each having its own blood supply and biliary drainage) functioning as a single organ. Unlike kidneys which are two different organs and situated separately on either side in the body; liver is a single organ. However it too can be divided anatomically in two or more parts.

Liver as a whole has one hepatic artery supplying oxygenated blood, a portal vein carrying blood from intestines to liver and a bile duct draining bile formed in the liver to intestines. All these three structures divide into two branches to supply and drain from two lobes of the liver. Blood from liver is delivered to heart via three hepatic veins for purification.

Liver is supported by ligaments; triangular and coronary ligament on either side and falciform ligament in the centre. Liver produces bile which is drained by biliary tree. Gall bladder is a reservoir for the bile lies on the liver bed, and is attached to bile duct. It regulates delivery of bile into intestines.

Liver is endowed with remarkable capacity to regenerate after division into parts. This is the basis of Live Related Liver Transplants, and the reason why live related liver transplant is possible.


Liver is a powerhouse of body. It is the main organ of metabolism i.e. it involves, series of breaking down and making up of chemical reactive and generation of energy. If one were to compare our body to a train, then liver would be its engine.

Liver performs many important functions that are essential for a healthy body as follows –

Covert food into chemicals necessary for life and growth.

Process and remove drugs, alcohol and other substances generated in body that may be harmful.

Produce bile, a yellowish-greenish fluid that is stored in the gall bladder and secreted into the bowel. Bile is necessary for the absorption of fats and vitamins

Manufacture important proteins that are necessary for normal blood clotting and building muscle.

Maintain hormonal balances

Store important vitamins.

This WebSite, Provides Information on Liver Transplant, Liver Transplant in India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Cost of Liver Transplant, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care of Liver Recipient and Liver Donor, Liver Transplant Specialists, Liver Transplant Surgeons, Liver Donation, Cadaver Organ Donation, Liver Diseases like Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer, Liver Failure, Hepatitis, Jaundice, etc. by the most experienced Liver Transplant Coordinator in India.

Consult regarding Liver, Liver Disease, Pre-Transplant Preparation, Peri or Post Transplant Care or any queries related to this field.